18" Rococo
Our Rococo collection features fun color combinations, outfits, and accessories celebrating the 18th century. "Rococo Rendezvous" previously premiering in September 2024 had a collaboration of artists alongside Bbeauty Dolls that participated in artist showcases throughout the month for a dazzling display of fashions from small business owners such as Rachel Kerby Couture, Pemberley Threads, Eighteen Bond Street, A Stitch in Time's Line, and Lemon Bay Doll Co. These showcases were debuted in the Bbeauty Dolls newsletter and are able to be seen on each entity's social media archives.
Embroidered sock collection by Lemon Bay Doll Co to match the Bbeauty Dolls shoe line
Socks next to Bbeauty Shoes to show color combination possibilities. Socks can be ordered through Lemon Bay Co or through Bbeauty Dolls.