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Vintage and Used Dolls - Adopt a Doll

Bbeauty Dolls has an ongoing mission called "Save the Dolls" which entails keeping as many dolls as we can out of the trash and out of thrift stores that don't appreciate them.  Over the last couple of years we've also seen prominent doll wig suppliers, doll hospitals, doll suppliers and doll-related businesses go out of business leaving the doll industry unsupported in areas.  When supplies and services cease to be available for dolls, we see more people leaving doll collecting and dumping dolls.  It lowers their value and causes waste.  We know we can't save every doll, but every year we pick a doll brand and type that we think is "worthy of saving" and create basic supplies so that the dolls can be fixed and restored.  As a small business this requires a lot of funding, more than we can come up with ourselves.

Doll restoration and re-homing is the way we fund for our cause.  We acquire dolls for sale by purchasing from individuals and from doll donations towards our cause.  All dolls for sale go through a detailed inspection as to their condition prior to be listed for sale.  Dolls that have been fully restored are also listed here once they have gone through our doll hospital.  All funding by Adopt a Doll dolls goes back into our Save the Dolls mission and rehabilitating dolls in need of the most care.​​​

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US Owned and Operated Located in Yuba City, CA

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