This is just a short notation about some restringing tips that help me.
1. If you are using paracord to restring a doll:
a. Thicker is not always better as the elastic looses less and less stretch the thicker it is. Most dolls can be repaired with 1/8" cord from 8"-23" dolls. Large dolls/lifesize dolls can go thicker but not by much.
2. It's less wasteful on cord if you use elastic bands for the arms. It's a very short distance especially once you factor in the stretch of the band. It has been some trial and error finding the right size bands for each size doll, but we are working on updating kits with the proper size for each doll size.
3. All restringing is arm to arm and then head to legs. An elastic band is often the best choice for arm to arm and paracord from head to legs. For the proper length of paracord add 4" to the doll's height to give you enough slack to tie the knot at the end. Not being able to tie the knot at the end is very frustrating if your string is too short especially with all the tension between the limbs. Just allow that extra and you will be sure that you have enough and at the same time make sure you aren't wasting too much extra.
4. It's best to restring your doll completely nude so that you can work freely without the obstacles of clothing. Always undress your doll completely before restringing.
5. Watch the direction of your limbs. You don't want to end up with backwards feet or left and right arms mixed up. It helps after you've attached your hooks to your head and limbs to lay them out next to the body the direction that they go so that once you've threaded through your loops or paracord that you don't have to think about what goes where.
6. Always use the wide part of the hook inside your limbs and the narrow part of your hooks for your cord or band. This helps keep your band from slipping out if it's crunched inside that narrow pinch and you need the wider part to swing in and catch your limb and head bars. It's a lot more frustrating the other way around.
7. Always test your restring by moving the limbs afterwards. You don't want weird movement. Before I push my final knot inside I always look at how the arms, legs, and head are moving. If they aren't tight enough, I have time to untie my knot and pull up more slack. Too tight and your arms are stiff and mobility is strained.
8. Practice makes the process smoother. Try to practice as much as you can, even if you are doing it over and over on one doll. After lots of practice, it starts to become it's own movement that you don't have to think so hard about it, and then it gets easier.