When you are checking out there are actually two checkout steps.
The first page allows you to enter a promo code - this is if you received a special coupon code via email or on a special sale code. It will show you a subtotal and shipping cost. Note that the shipping cost is a drop down menu. It doesn't always default to the cheapest amount so make sure you select Free shipping if you are in the USA and spent over $75 or if you are under $75 that you select USA Ground which will usually be the cheapest rate. If you are international you must select one of the international rate options, selecting a USA rate will mean that a customer service representative will contact you to let you know you selected the incorrect rate and your order will be on hold until you pay for the correct rate.
Once you have selected these options there will be buttons at the bottom, "Checkout", Checkout with Apple Pay, Paypal Checkout, Paypal Pay Later, Venmo Checkout, and Google Pay. You must select one of these buttons to get to the second Checkout screen.
On the second checkout screen it will ask you for all your details such as email, name, phone, address, etc. This info will be pre-filled in if you have purchased with us before or if you have logged in with one of the payment services with saved information.
On a mobile device scrolling to the very bottom you will see "Enter a promo code" again if you didn't enter one on the previous checkout page, if you have a coupon code. There is also an option that says "Redeem a gift card" if you have received a gift card from someone for our shop. Below that it will tell you the amount of points you will receive for placing the order and it will say log in to collect or redeem points. Note that you must be logged in to your account to redeem points. If this is your first order you will not accummulate any points until you set up your account and place your first order. Then points will be able to be redeemed on your next order. If you are logged in there will be a blank where you can type in the number of points you wish to redeem. You do not have to redeem your full balance on a single order, you can save them for larger purchases or sale dates.
If you are on a desktop computer the information above will be on the right hand side of your screen.
Once you have filled out everything you can click "Continue" to finish checkout and you will be charged for your order.
I would love to earn reward points.🤗