If you've ever done an Eye Change on a vinyl doll, you will be pleased to know that changing eyes on a BJD is the simplest eye change you will ever do.
What you will need:
Crafting putty also called poster putty or tack, found at crafts stores
The eyes you purchased (if you haven't purchased eyes, I recommend you read our article on how to buy eyes so you get the right kind and size read here
What to do:
Remove your doll's wig and silicon cap so that he/she is bald
Remove the magnetic head cap (if not magnetic than twist off the vinyl cap)
Remove your doll's head (I find it is much simpler to do eyes when you can just detach it from the body). If your doll is strung, you will need to rotate the metal hook inside the head from being horizontal to vertical. If you have a locking mechanism inside, you can turn the lock so that it unlocks. If you have a snap on head, you can gently pull the head off the ridged peg it sits on.
If your doll is blank and brand new there will be no eyes in it at all, unless the manufacturer allowed you to select eyes as part of your doll. If your doll is pre-owned and came with eyes you will see the eyes installed.
What you are looking at from the back are the eyes with a kind of putty all the way around. If your doll is blank you are looking literally through the eye sockets to the other side.
Take your putty and roll it into a nice thick snake, kind of like when you were a kid
Take your eyes and fashion the snake around the outside of the eyes connecting the ends so it forms a donut around the eyes
Take the eye and place it in the eye socket from the back of the head. Smoth the putty around the exterior so that it sticks to the socket and keeps the eye in place. You'll want to look at the front and then turn to the back to position the direction of your eye to how you want your eyes to look in their final position. There's a bit of turning the head back and forth and pushing at the back of the eyes with your finger to position it on it's final resting place and then doing the same with the other eye. Once you are satisfied with the position of your eyes, you can set the head back on the doll, resecuring it (i.e. if your doll is strung you will need to insert the hook back into the head and then twist it to hold it in place, some dolls just have a locking mechanism, and some dolls snap onto a ridged peg).
You are now able to put your silicon cap back and put back on your wig
Thank you for your helpful tips and tricks. I have never seen a BJD doll but have wanted one for quite some time. I think it would be fun to fix and restore a BJD doll.🌷